Royally Busy
Hello everyone!
Thanks for your patience as I ran around for a bit after launching this site.
It’s been ridiculously busy recently and this is the first chance I have had to post anything this month but that just means there’s quite a bit to update on, so let’s get cracking:
Hi Everyone, Alex here…
Big thanks to everyone who has been visiting the site since I let you all know about it on social media. It’s been lovely receiving all your messages and I will be making some changes as and when I can to help build on the bits we like and minimise the bits we don’t! In the mean time though you would be doing a huge favour if when you are writing my name you do it as a hyperlink like this: Alexander J Newall. It massively helps people find my official site and improves my overall profile on things like google etc. Thanks!"
Top News
I met the King of England.
No that’s not a joke, AudioUK, the advocates for independent Podcasters etc. in the UK, arranged an invite to myself and Hannah Brankin to represent Rusty Quill at a Buckingham Palace Garden party for media and sports. It was extremely swanky with fancy little cakes and everything. We got to meet a huge number of industry professionals and even wander the grounds (which were immaculate.) We made a few new friends whilst there and hopefully we’ll be able to announce a new collaboration or two as a result of it soon.
Not Quite Top but Still Pretty Good News
All the social media:
I have launched as many social media profiles as I can sustain to see what works for me and what doesn’t and generally encourage myself to climb out of my creator’s hermitage. You can access all of these via the buttons at the bottom of this website but just for the record in case you want to copy and paste:
Surprise Magnus appearance at Puzzled Pint Manchester
On a whim, I accompanied Jonathan Sims, Sasha Sienna, Ian Hayles, Anushia Battersby, Martyn Pratt, and a host of others as they popped in to say hi to the lovely folks at the Manchester branch of Puzzled Pint. It was a fantastic well-organised night and I was very impressed with the calibre of the work put in. We… may… have solved the puzzles rather quickly but I fear we had an unfair advantage!
The season break passed and that meant we got to share more with you including the most recent episode with its examination of influencer culture, online identity and appropriation that ends with… heart-breaking results. Meanwhile we wrapped recordings on Season 1 and are well into production on bonus content and Season 2.
The compilation of short form audio I am Executive Producer on just released its latest iteration: The Pit Below Paradise created by J. Evelyn Gaskell and directed by Micah Rodriguez and Stephanie Resendes. This coming-of-age story follows the growth of a groomed cult sacrifice!
And now for something completely different:
I actually had a holiday!
I spent a whole week away from work. To be clear, I won’t be going into details about my personal life on here but I do think that it’s important to demonstrate self-care publicly to encourage people to avoid burnout. The trip was lovely and really helped settle me down in ahead of a very busy period.
Special Mentions
Where possible I’m going to try and include a special mention of fans or organisations whenever I post one of these updates.
I’ll start at the beginning (a very good place to start) with my perspective on The Magnus Protocol premier. It was quite humbling to put it mildly.
What’s Next:
Coming Up:
The Podcast Show Panel (Public Appearance) - I’ll be leading a panel on the business of audio drama and networking on the convention floor. Check my events page for more info.
Patreon Meet & Greet (Private event) - A chance for me to talk with Patreon decision makers and high level creators.
Spotify Meet & Greet (Private event) - Another chance for me to get to chat with Spotify decision makers and high level creators
Audio UK Meet & Greet (Private event) - Another chance for me to get to chat with leaders in the UK Podcasting Industry
Secret Meetings (Private event) - As always I am having lots of meetings with third parties for exciting collaboration opportunities and, as always, I can’t say anything about them yet! Sorry!
That’s All for now folks!
I’ll try to update again soon but until then… you do you because you do it so well!