New Personal Website
Greetings and Salutations!
Well, it’s taken 20 years longer than it should have but I am happy to present my new personal brand website!
This site contains everything AJN from galleries and bios to events news, consultation bookings and eventually I hope to even provide courses teaching the skills that have made me one of the most downloaded podcast creators in the world.
Currently I am releasing multiple projects including:
The Magnus Protocol (Podcast)
Neon Inkwell (Podcast)
I also have multiple projects in development including:
Magnus Spinoff (Podcast)
Magnus Fans show (Podcast)
Magnus Retrospective (Podcast)
Magnus Live (Theatre)
The Magnus Archives (TTRPG)
I frequently appear as a speaker at both Business and Fan oriented industry events with multiple already announced for later this year including digital streams available at both the Rusty Quill Twitch channel and my own twitch channel.
If you want to keep up to date with my latest work I will be keeping this blog up-to-date alongside my new social media portfolio which includes:
Please do feel free to follow, like and subscribe as I grow these channels and evolve them over time!
That’s all for now apart from thankyou for checking out this blog and look forward to updating you soon!"